PURE Tungsten Color Coded GREEN, are best suited for AC Tig welding applications. Pure Tungsten, Green, AWS Class EWP, AC welding applications. Least expensive of all electrodes. Applications: aluminum and magnesium alloys.
THORIATED Tungsten Color Code RED, YELLOW, or ORANGE, are best suited for DC Tig welding applications.2% Throated, Red, AWS Class EWTH-2, DC welding applications. The most common type of electrode used today. Applications: carbon & stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium.
LANTHANATED Tungsten Color Code BLACK, GOLD or BLUE, are suitable for AC & DC welding applications. Lanthanides, Black, AWS Class EWLA-1.5, AC & DC welding applications. NonRadioactive Good arc characteristics in ac/dc applications. Applications: carbon & stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium.
CERIATED Tungsten Color Code GREY or ORANGE, are best suited for low amperage DC welding applications.Ceriated, Grey, An excellent alternative to Throated tungsten especially in low amperage welding. Takes 10% less current to start and has a very stable arc.
ZIRCONIATED Tungsten Color Code WHITE or BROWN, are best suited for AC Tig welding
applications. Zirconiated, White, AC Welding applications. Better start up than Pure Tungsten, Balls up well and has a more stable arc than Pure Tungsten. Better current carrying capacity and high resistance to contamination during welding.